by Michelle
Do you have a piece of clothing that’s your favorite and can never miss in your closet? If you do, which one is it? For me, as you may have already guessed, it’s flannels. Flannels are great for the fall and can be worn in many different ways. Here are 7 different ways to style flannels.

Source: Pinterest
1. Wear it with a dress and high-knee socks.

2. Wear it with an all-black outfit.

3. Wear it with boyfriend/mom jeans.

Image source: my Instagram @rytersoul
4. Style it with a graphic tee.

Image source: Pinterest

Image source: my Instagram @rytersoul
5. Wear it with shorts and tights, fishnets or high knee socks.

Source: Image 1 Pinterest and Image 2 my Instagram @rytersoul

Image source: Pinterest

Image Source: Pinterest
6. Tuck it in for a vintage vibe.

7. Wear it with a skirt.
