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by Michelle

The year 2020 was a lot to process..and even from the beginning of 2021 there has been a lot going on. To tell you the truth, I've been feeling uninspired and even somewhat tense and anxious lately. That's why I decided to explore 'self-care' and create a post about it here. Self-care doesn't have to be spending hours in a spa or putting on a face mask necessarily (that's not to say that you shouldn't do those things if you feel like it's your way of feeling better). Self-care is really doing things that take care of our minds, bodies and souls by engaging in activities that reduce stress and promote well-being. So here I put together 6 self-care ideas for you to try and help alleviate anxiety:

1. Start your morning with deep breathing.

Even if it's 1-2 minutes, it makes the difference. Try to get up and simply focus on your breathing for 1-5 minutes. Close your eyes and if you want, put some soft calming music and breathe! Honestly, the first time I tried this for one minute really made my day better. You can start with 1 minute and increment your breathing sessions to more minutes every week.

2. Write on a journal 3 things that you are grateful for.

Sometimes we have bad days and we forget about the good things we already have. This happens to me and I have to remind myself that I actually have a lot to be grateful for. It helps to make some time to simply think about things that you are grateful for and write them down. You can go back to this list and reflect on it or add more things you are grateful for. It's amazing that sometimes due to our day-to-day we forget about our surroundings.

3. Take a break from social media.

We all need to take a break from our socials sometimes. It can be a day, 2 weeks, 1's up to you! Simply listen to your body and take the time you need. When you're ready to go back to social media you'll feel refreshed. Remember: if it's stressing you out, it's not worth it.

4. Read a book or something you enjoy.

Take some time to read a book that you love. You can accompany your reading session with a good cup of coffee (maybe even light a candle lol). Whatever works for you! Just take this time to relax and enjoy your reading.

5. De-clutter your closet.

"How might working or cleaning have anything to do with self-care?," you might ask. But you'll be surprised to know that decluttering actually improves your mood and well-being. Getting rid of excess will make you feel like a weight is lifted from your life. It doesn't have to be all in one day remember, everything is a process. You can donate or sell your clothing or items that you're not using. There are a lot of websites where you can sell for free such as Depop or Mercari.

6. Paint or color on a coloring book.

Painting, coloring, or drawing can be quite relaxing. It doesn't have to be anything perfect. Think about it as a time to relax and connect with your creativity. Let your thoughts flow and try not to think about things that you have to do, bills you have to pay, etc. during this time.

7. Watch your favorite show.

After a long day, sometimes we just want to turn on the TV and watch our favorite show. Watching your favorite shows serves as a distraction for the mind and can even help you relax. Now, this doesn't mean that you should stay all day watching Netflix and forget that anything else exists. It's also important that you monitor the time you're spending in front of the TV and learn to create boundaries.

Sooo, which one of these self-care ideas will you try? hope you enjoyed it and see you in my next post :)



Image 1 (quote) - Pinterest

Image 2 (journal) - Pinterest

Image 3 (social media) - Pinterest

Image 4 (book) - from my instagram @rytersoul

Image 5 (show) - from my instagram @rytersoul




Hey I'm Michelle! ☆ I blog and write stuff ☆ 


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